C'est la quasi épilogue d'un cursus régulier de troisième cycle au Hellenic American University d'Athènes.
Suivant les us et coutumes de cette université, VITAL KAMERHE a reçu des autorités académiques son certificat de fin de cycle All But Dissertation.
En fait, il s'agit de la fin des études et VK est donc admis à défendre sa thèse à la date qui sera fixée après harmonisation entre le thésard et son jury.
VITAL KAMERHE sera dans les prochains mois Docteur à thèse. Il parachève une brillante carrière enseignante qu'il a commencé à l'Unikin.
Ci-dessous le mot de circonstance du Thésard Vital Kamerhe.
Discours V. Kamerhe
Dear faculty members, family and friends!
This journey would not have been made possible without the support of my family, professors and mentors, friends, and above all, the Almighty God!
I thank God as I believe that He is the provider of breath and of all goods to mankind!
I am really blessed!
To my family, especially my children, some of them are present here, students at this University: Guillaume, Rudy, Alphonsine, Christian, Adolphine and Didier. I can allow myself to say that this is my family’s university.
I cannot forget my daughter Magalie, holder of a bachelor degree in Law, and Lucie, a student at Port Elizabeth University in South Africa, as well my son Constantin, student at Jewell’s school in Kinshasa. . And also to my grandson Evan Vital and my siblings, thank you all for encouraging me in my quest of furthering my education and also for inspiring and supporting me as well in pursuing my many dreams.
Having taught at the University of Kinshasa for ten years, Economy, Accounting, Mathematics, Rural Economic Development, the Third World Economy under the great supervision of well renown, prominence professors that I profoundly admire and respect who are: Nyembo SHABANI, LOMBEYA Bosongo, Kioni KIABANTU, Kabeya TSHIKUKU, Katanga Ya MUTUMBA, OKANA and many others who fostered and contributed to the growth of my love for the Democratic Republic of Congo, I thank you.
My vision of the magnitude of my country and its relevance to Africa and the world passes through the building and consolidation of our national identity.
Our very rich cultural diversity, which comprises 450 vernacular and 4 national languages which are not merely more than simple instruments of social communication, or of interactive and social exchange, yet a truly determining life factor within society, as well as precious tool for societal development, are crucial to the building of this great nation in the heart of Africa.
I can assure you that these dreams are now becoming reality.
We are climbing step by step; we shall get there, and we shall prevail!
However, I am especially grateful to my parents.
Although not here with us, Constantin Kamerhe Kanyiginyi, my late father, who is peacefully resting eternally, had always taught me to be an achiever of goals, a man of society and a contributor to the well-being of my fellowmen…!
Yet, to achieve those objectives, he always pleaded that I continuously learn, learn, and learn!
Then, in the meantime, he provided me with an unprecedented education and discipline that led me to respect, to serve, to love and to cherish those that I interact with, the community, my country and its citizens.
So, he and my mother had, through my childhood, provided for me, supported me emotionally, morally and financially as I always knew that they believed in me and they wanted the best for me.
I thank them for having taught me that my job in life was not only to be happy and proud, but to also serve others as well and to know and understand myself; only then could I know and understand others.
That is why, I give thanks and make a special tribute to my mother, Alphonsine mwa N’kingi, a special, wonderful and superwoman who carried me for so long and gave me birth.
Mother, you loved and still love me, you fed me, you guided me through my life and you made of me the person that I am today. You relentlessly stood by my side, never gave up, in spite of my then youth misconduct, trouble making as we all know what many of us had gone through as teenagers……
Thank you Mom!
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the faculty members of Hellenic American University of Athens, the President of the University and especially professors with whom I have worked with directly over the last three years.
Dr. Julian House, Dr. Trent Flouris and Dr. Themis Kaniklidou, I am so grateful to you and especially for your professionalism in teaching, guidance in research and sharing your knowledge with me. You are more than teachers to me; you are my friends and I feel so proud and blessed to have come across some wonderful and dedicated people like you. You always were there whenever I needed you. You taught me how to be a committed researcher in this interesting domain of Linguistics coupled with political and societal development area, each in your own unique way.
Each of you has given your time, energy, and expertise for my benefit and I am more than happy for that.
And also, in spite of my difficulties to handle the English language, you had encouraged me to enhance my scientific knowledge making me understand that knowledge has neither dialects nor national languages. Either you know, or you don’t!
Knowledge is universal.
Your teaching philosophy made it easy for me to improve my English, yet, conscious that I still have more efforts to make.
I am extremely happy for the ABD certificate you are honoring me with today, whilst waiting to defend soon my dissertation. To obtain such an academic recognition from Dr. Flouris, the Provost of Hellenic American University, which is in the New Hampshire University systems that is recognized as one of the best academic system in the USA, and next to Dr. Julianne House, a well renown professor who lectures in some of the worldwide most recognized higher institutions of education, in China, in Germany and the USA is more than an honor.
For those who do not know it:
Hellenic American University is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) through its Commission on Institutions of Higher Education, so is Harvard University, Colgate, University of Boston and Yale University and many more.
I am so much enthusiastic to study in a university that has such a wealthy research center with a library that has over two hundred fifty thousand (250.000) digital books and ten million (10.000.000) online periodical articles.
I know we still have some way to go until I complete my full PhD program supported by a dissertation that I shall write and defend within an upcoming short time. I hope before September. I am truly motivated and look forward to that special moment whilst, continuing to work closely with you!
As a reminder, my dissertation title that you have kindly accepted is quite challenging: “POLITICAL RHETORIC IN GOVERNANCE: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY OF THE DISCURSIVE PRACTICES OF GOOD GOVERNANCE AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT REVISITED IN THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO”. It means, bringing together the world of linguistics and that of politics through discourse of good governance and sustainable development, particularly for a developing country.
Also, my thanks go to the university’s administration personnel for assisting me in all of the venues, ensuring that my administrative paperwork and records were up to date.
To my friends and to all members of our great party and family “Union pour la Nation Congolaise” UNC, here present and all scattered around the world and specially for those who follow me on my social medias accounts, thank you for your thoughts, well-wishes, prayers, phone calls, e-mails, texts, tweets, visits, advices and support.
For those of you, who were able to make it here, please find here the expression of my sincere gratitude and deep appreciation for having come all the way to Athens; and the same goes for those living in Athens who took their time in joining us in this beautiful and magnificence cadre of the University.
I cannot end this short speech without thanking Mr. Tadi Wantwadi Robert, my Deputy Chief of Staff who has constantly assisted me in the accomplishment of my studies, concerning as well the research aspects, data collection and the publication in the English language that I am at the present time learning. In fact, all my writings are done in French and then translated into English.
All of you have sacrificed your precious time and have put your professional duties well behind just to be with me!
I am heartened!
I can testify that you always were there whenever I needed a friend.
Let us stand together and continue our struggle in order to achieve our vision for a strong, prosperous, and a stable Congo in the center of Africa.
Once more, I am aware that this little gathering moment is only halfway through to the completion of my dissertation and its defense.
However, I consider this as a very encouraging, exciting and very significant moment for me.
Again thank you for spending your time with me and also for your friendship and support which I deeply value and treasure.
May God bless you!